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    The Brenda Grant Team

    Royal LePage Signature Realty, Brokerage

    Granting your Realty Wishes


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      The Brenda Grant Team

      Royal LePage Signature Realty, Brokerage

      Granting your Realty Wishes

      Don Mills is one of the city’s most coveted family-friendly communities. It has great schools, organized sports for kids and a very strong sense of community. Its western boundary, Bayview Ave. is home to many unique shops, restaurants and cafes catering to families. Located at the top of the Bayview extension, it offers easy access to the heart of the city. The demand for houses in Don Mills has driven prices up substantially in the past few years.

      The neighbourhood is continuing to grow rapidly in terms of amenities with a lot of new shops and restaurants opening up on the neighbourhood’s east side. Don Mills is home to a wide variety of housing styles including two-storey detached homes, semi-detached houses and bungalows. Many condos are now being built here as well because of the new Light Rail Transit line being built at its core. This line will take you to the city’s main north-south subway line in a matter of minutes.


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